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WCMGA volunteers are trained in the art and science of gardening through the Master Gardener Program of the OSU Extension.  We offer home gardeners in Washington County gardening know-how that is reliable, relevant and accessible.


WCMGA volunteers host gardening presentations, classes and workshops, answer gardening questions by phone, email, and in-person at county events, provide speakers on gardening topics, and maintain two inspiring demonstration gardens where Washington County gardeners can experience the gardens while learning about the plants.


Healthy, resilient gardens and landscapes grow where science-based gardening knowledge meets gardeners who love learning.  WCMGA volunteers make the introductions.


The Master Gardener program started in 1973 at Washington State University with the realization that the audience for urban horticulture (i.e.home garden) advice was much larger than could be addressed by the agriculture specialists at the university. The program quickly spread through other land grant universities. The Oregon Master Gardener Association started in 1976.