FREE. Registration NOT required. Blueberries are easy and fun to grow. Learn about planting, fertilizing, plant selection and care for blueberries, including pruning techniques. Bring your own hand pruners and...
FREE. Registration NOT required. Blueberries are easy and fun to grow. Learn about planting, fertilizing, plant selection and care for blueberries, including pruning techniques. Bring your own hand pruners and...
Don't miss out on our Houseplants Sale! From lush ferns to vibrant succulents and flowering begonias - you'll be sure to find your green companion here, mostly in $1-$10 range....
FREE. Registration NOT required. In this class we’ll discuss and demonstrate pruning of various landscape perennials. We’ll start with general guidelines - when to prune, what to prune, and the...
FREE. Registration NOT required. This class will cover the needs of mason bees and how to attract them to your area. Various nesting devices will be presented and discussed. *Class...
FREE. Registration NOT required. Thinking about drip irrigation but not sure where to start? In this session we’ll cover the types of micro irrigation systems and where to use them....